AVEVA OMI Software Developer Kit
Inheritance Hierarchy
ArchestrA.Client.CommonUtil Namespace
Class This control is used to indicate an operation is in progress. This control is copied from Common.Util. There should be a single version in a common assembly that is accessible in SDK. Note: this version has been modified to use ThreadStatic for SpinTransform
Class This class provides an easy interface to the ICommand.
ClassContains extension methods to System.Windows.DependencyObject for Finding child framework element and parent framework element in the visual tree.
Class An abstract class that provides the ability to dispose the objects.
Class This class is to be used to define the localized description. e.g. [LocalizedDescription(typeof(WebPageDisplay), "ArchestrA.Visualization.Displays.WebCore.Properties.Resources", "Address_Description")] public string Address
Class A class that encapsulate the logic for filtering out the message before it is dispatched.
ClassThis class is to be used to define credential editor on the property of an OMI App. [NamedCredential(typeof(SampleControl))]
Class Native Method class.
Class A utility class providing helper functions about the Scroll viewer.
Class A common class providing an interface to the boilerplate code for validating parameters and raising exceptions
Class This class is base class for all Nexgen windows. This class provides functionality of detecting user activity and publishing event for auto log off.
Class An abstraction for the property change notifications. Base View Model which includes change notification
Class This class adds logic to ensure the embedded WinForms control is disposed properly when disposing the WPF wrapper control.
Structure This struct is used hold the Win32Point data information.
See Also