AVEVA OMI Software Developer Kit
AVEVA OMI Developer Guide > MyViewApp Attributes > Security Namespace Attributes
Security Namespace Attributes

Use attributes in the Security namespace to get information about the user that is currently logged-in.

Attribute Name Description Data
Read/ Write
LoggedIn Returns true or false to indicate if a user is logged into the ViewApp. Boolean Read
LoggedInUserName Returns the user name of the logged-in user. string Read
LoggedInUserRoles Returns the security roles assigned to the logged-in user in CSV format. string Read
LoggedInAccessLevel Returns the access level of the security role assigned to the logged-in user. If a running ViewApp does not have a logged-in user, the return value is -1. integer Read
LastSuccessfulLogin Returns the UTC timestamp of the most recent successful log in to the ViewApp. If no one is currently logged in and the ViewApp is running, returns 01/01/1601 12:01:01.000 AM DateTime Read
AutoLogonCurrentUser Returns true or false to indicate if the currently-logged in Windows user will be automatically logged into the ViewApp. Boolean R/W
AutoLogOff Returns true or false to indicate if the user will be logged off after a period of inactivity. Boolean R/W
AutoLogOffTimeSpan Returns how much time of inactivity the logged in user is allowed. integer R/W
AutoLogRemainingTime Returns how much time of inactivity the logged in user has remaining. integer Read
LastUnsuccessfulLogin Returns the UTC timestamp of the most recent unsuccessful log in to the ViewApp. If there has not been an unsuccessful login and the ViewApp is running, returns 01/01/1601 12:01:01.000 AM. DateTime Read
AttemptedLoginUsername Returns the name used for an unsuccessful user login. string Read
LastLogonAttemptFailed Returns true or false to indicate if the most recent attempt to log in to the ViewApp failed (true) or was successful (false). Boolean Read

See Also