AVEVA OMI Software Developer Kit
AVEVA OMI Developer Guide > MyViewApp Attributes > Style Namespace Attributes
Style Namespace Attributes

The CurrentStyle attribute in the Style namespace lets you switch Galaxy Style Libraries during run time. CurrentStyle can be used in a script to implement the Galaxy Style Library switch.

CurrentSyle is retentive. Thus, a ViewApp will start with the Galaxy Style Library that was active when the ViewApp was previously stopped.

The syntax for using CurrentStyle in a a script is:

Attribute Name Description Data
Read/ Write
CurrentStyle Loads the name of a Galaxy Style. During run time, the value of CurrentStyle can be changed to the name of anotther Galaxy Style. The appearance of graphics in the running ViewApp are updated with the element styles of the new, active Galaxy Style. String R/W
Styles.CSV Gets the list of available Galaxy Styles in CSV format. During run time, shows the styles as a comma sparated string. The value is automatically updated when new styles are added to the Galaxy Style Library in the IDE. String Read